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Rite of Passage 2016

December 3, 2016 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Human achievement in modern times is often measured in technology, medicine, and cultural progression. 2000 years ago however, nations measured their greatness by the power of their swords. The kingdom with the mightiest and most numerous warriors was perceived to be the greatest. To join the ranks of these warriors was the goal of many a young man, and even young women. These aspiring champions would often have to prove their mettle in tests of combat prowess, toughness, and strength. To triumph over these challenges was a rite of passage; those that rose above the rest were poised for greatness and glory.
We live in a day and age where participation trophies tell us that just showing up makes you a champion, and when some “gyms” will ask you to leave if you train too hard. Are you ready to hearken back to days of old and battle through extreme challenges to earn your place in the king’s guard? Who will answer the call knowing that victory is not guaranteed, and that the cold hand of defeat will be pawing at your heels? Are you brave enough to risk it all for the glory of standing among the greats and etching your name in the hall of legends?

The challenge awaits!

The USS Rite of Passage strongman/woman competition is proud to be a part of the WV Combat Sports and Strongman Championships hosted by Ground Zero Fighting Systems. The expo will take place Dec 3rd at the Mountaineer Mall in Morgantown, WV. Come out and support these amazing athletes as they push themselves to the limit in Brazilain Jiu Jitsu, boxing, and of course, strongman competition!

The WV Combat and Strongman Championships presents the:
Rite of passage
Strongman/Woman Challenge
Gold Level Contest
(United States Strongman membership REQUIRED of all competitors)

Promoter- John Mouser

Date/Time- Saturday, Dec 3rd . Action begins at noon sharp

Location- 5000 Green Bag Road, Morgantown, WV 26501 (Mountaineer Mall)
Weigh-ins- 8:00am – 10:00am.

Rules/Safety Briefing- 11:00am. This meeting is mandatory. Any athlete not present by this time may be omitted from the contest without refund.


Women’s: LW – 0-123, 124-132, MW – 133-148, 149-165, HW – 166-181, 182-198, SHW – 199+
Women’s Novice and Masters: 0-165, 166+
Men’s Open: LW – 0-148, 149-165, 166-181, MW – 182-198, 199-220, HW – 221-242, 243-275, SHW – 276-308, 308+
Novice & Masters Men’s – 0-198, 199-242, 243+
Teens – one class, 13-19 yrs old
Kids – will split them up depending on how many enter and such. May do boys and girls groups.

Consolidation of some classes is possible. I will also do my best to let you know a week prior if your class is being consolidated so you don’t cut weight if you don’t have to. See? I’m not as mean as they say… sometimes.

Awards- awards for 1st-3rd

Entry- $50. Must have USS membership card present. Entries must be post marked by NO LATER THAN Monday November 9th,. $25 late charge. Includes t-shirt. Late entries are not guaranteed a shirt. Day of entries are $75 and include a stern talking to and pamphlet about decision making. Additional shirts will be available for purchase.

Online payment at www.mouserpower.com

No late fee for teens and kids – TEENS entry fee is $25 and KIDS entry is $10

Checks and entry forms to- John Mouser, 999 West Run Rd, STE 204, 26508
Contact Info– John Mouser, 304 516 3423


The Events Are (subject to change and no particular order):

Max Axle Zercher –

  • Axle is lifted from the ground in the crook of the elbows to a standing position. Starting height is around 18 inches or so (tires are loaded on the axle)
  • Wessels Rule – 3 attempts, when you fail a lift you’re out.
  • 30sec will be given to complete each lift. As many attempts may be made within that 30sec as you wish.
  • Must wait for down signal to receive credit for lift

Duck Walk & Load

  • Athletes will have 75sec to carry three “duck walk” implements down the course and load them onto the platform
  • Platform height TBA, course is 20ft
  • Implements must be attempted and completed in order from lightest to heaviest

Max Strict Press

  • Athletes with have 30sec to clean and press a barbell from the floor. PLEASE DO NOT DROP the implements from overhead. Make some attempt to control the descent or you may be disqualified.
  • 3 attempts, Wessels rule.
  • Must wait for “press” signal after clean. Athlete will receive press command when the athlete and the bar have stopped moving following the clean. No bend or extension of the knees or thrust of the hips is allowed after the press command.
  • Must wait for down signal. To receive a down signal, athlete must press object to full extension of the elbows, standing erect, with feet not more than shoulder width apart, and not staggered. Knees must be extended, and implement and lifter must be motionless.

Sandbag Throw and Carry

  • 90sec time limit to throw and carry as far as possible.
  • Two throwing bags will be tossed as far as possible prior to doing to heavy bag carry.
  • The carrying bag will be picked from the ground, and carried as far as possible.
  • Your run is over when the bag touches the ground or time runs out.
  • Bag must be carried in front of the body “Husafell style”. Shouldering the bag is not legal.
  • You may kneel to reposition the bag as long as it does not touch the ground.
  • The distance of both throws will be added to the distance of the carry for a total distance. Highest total distance wins.

Hands of Steel Grip Medley

  • Athlete will have 60sec to complete all four challenges in any order the athlete chooses.
  • The four challenges in this medley are: Sledge Hammer lever to nose (motorcycle helmets available for safety), Saxon Bar deadlift (double over hand on a square shaped beam bar), Captains of Crush Gripper (closed for one rep), and the Anvil Lift (one handed vertical lift).
  • Athlete must wait for down signal on each challenge in order to gain credit for completing it.
  • No wrist wraps on this event. Elbow sleeves, a belt, and chalk are still legal.


*** Kids will have their own events like dragging tires with a rope, carrying jugs of water or sand, etc. ***

Equipment allowed: wrist wraps (using them to cover the forearm is OK too), one belt, elbow sleeves with no fastening mechanisms, same for knee sleeves

I’m a jerk and I don’t like tacky, knee wraps, and super suits. These will not be allowed on any event that we happen to do here. Send your angry letters to the email listed above. Please keep death threats to a minimum.

General Rules/Usual Mouser Stuff

  • In the event of a tie in the final standings, 1st place finishes will decide the winner. If there is still a tie, then 2nd place finishes will be the determinant, and so on. If a tie cannot be broken this way, athletes will compete in a tie breaker.
  • Sportsmanship is expected and required. This is the greatest sport in the world, let’s keep it that way.
  • There will be a pre-event prayer. No one is expected to participate, so please do not feel obligated. All we ask is to be respectful of those that do or do not wish to participate.
  • This is a drug free contest. If you are juiced feel free to come cheer on your buddies but please do not bother to sign up.
  • If you have a question, please ask! I would rather take a minute to clarify something than to see someone have a poor showing due to a misunderstanding.






Events (subject to change):




Max Axle Zercher

(starting weight/increments)

Duck Walk and Load Max Strict Press (starting weight/increments) Sandbag Throw & Carry Grip Medley
FemaleTeen, LW Novice, and LW Masters 115/20 100-150 45/10  


Female LW Open 135/20 125-175 55/10  



Female MW Open and HW Novice & Masters 175/20 175-225 65/10  




Female HW & SHW Open 195/20 225-275 75/10  




Teen Male


180/40-50 225-275 95/120 20/20/180 TBA
LW Masters and Novice 230/40-50 275-325 95/20  



LW Open and MW Nov/Mas 230/40-50 275-325 115/20  


MW Open & HW Nov/Masters 270/40-50 300-375 135/20  



HW & SHW 320/40-50 325-425  



25/25/300 TBA


  • Contestant's Name
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please enter your date of birth.
  • Your best contact phone
  • *Must have 5 in a class or it will be consolidated with the next class up.
  • Example: 5ft 11in
    Tee Shirt Size. If your size is not listed, please list under "other".
  • Bio Sheet

    Bio Sheet (please complete, the audience would like to meet you!)
  • Please list imediate family members.
  • $0.00


December 3, 2016
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


John Mouser
View Organizer Website


Mountaineer Mall
5000 Greenbag Rd
Morgantown, WV 26501 United States
+ Google Map