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Appalachian Team Championships 2020

May 23, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Pictured: Team “Dark Army” breaks for a photo op with the pile of destruction left from the Battering Ram event in 2019

 (Strongman Corp. membership REQUIRED of all competitors)

Promoter- Paul Mouser

Date/Time- Saturday, May 23rd . Action begins at noon

Location- Palatine Park, 1 Everest Dr, Fairmont, WV, 26554

Weigh-ins- 8-9am Saturday    AND   10am-10:45am Saturday morning

Rules/Safety Briefing- 11:00am. This meeting is mandatory.

Divisions-      Team only

Weight Classes: Women’s LW 0-140 – MW 141-180 – HW 181+

Men’s  LW 0-200 – MW 201-231 – HW 232+


Team Requirements:
One sub-200 guy (“Lightweight” for this contest)
One sub 231 guy (“Middleweight for this contest)
One guy over 231 (“Heavyweight” for this contest)
One female
Allowed up to 6 members!
  • Each team MUST have at least one female of any weight, one male 0-200, one male 201-231, and one male 231+. Male competitors may “compete up” a class. So for example, if you have trouble finding a “real” 231 pounder, but you have plenty of lightweights, one of your lightweights may serve as a 231 in order to fill the requirement.
  • Teams may represent their state, their gym, their city, their place of work, a group of friends, or nothing in particular. This is your choice. Each team must have a NAME though… a family friendly name
  • Every member must compete in at least one event.
  • Every team must have a captain. This captain is responsible for communications with the officials (to help maintain order amongst the chaos!)



Awards- Custom medals for podium teams AND the huge Mouser Cup Trophy for 1st!

Entry-   Must have Strongman Corp membership “card” present from strongmancorporation.com or buy with cash or check at the show. Mailed entries must be post marked by NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, Friday, May 8th. $25 late charge. May possibly include t-shirt; if I do offer shirts, you have to show up during check-ins to get one. Team order is determined by reverse order of entry received!

Single entry: $52 before 2/1,   $62 before 5/9,   $87 late

Whole Team Entry for up to 6 members (best deal!): $240 before 2/1,   $280 before 5/9,   $320 late

Make sure to follow the FB page for updates! https://www.facebook.com/events/731684197338584/

Spectator fee – None

Contact Info– Paul Mouser: email [email protected], phone (304) 614-5291





“Hercules vs Atlas”

2 athletes hold on for dear life on the Hercules Holds while 2 others rep out Atlas Stones to shoulder! When the Hercules Holds drop, time is up – most reps wins!

  • Team captain will assign 2 team members to the 2 Hercules Hold stations (stations 1 and 2) , and 2 members to the 2 Atlas Stone stations (stations 1 and 2)
  • On the judge’s command, the weights will be released on the Hercules Hold stations and the athletes at the Atlas Stone stations may begin lifting. Stones must be taken to shoulder for reps – total combined reps wins… but here’s the catch… the stone lifters may only continue lifting until the athlete in the corresponding Hercules Hold station drops.
  • In short, the time limit for Stone lifter 1 to rep out is determined by his/her buddy in Hercules Hold station 1. The time limit for Stone lifter 2 to rep out is determined by his/her buddy in Hercules Hold station 2. Combined reps wins.
  • The parties assigned to the stone-to-shoulder portion may not be of the same weight class.
  • This event will test not only the strength of our athletes, but also the strategic capabilities and cohesion of the team (which is why this comp is so fun right???)! A good gripster may be able to make up for a mistake in the stones by holding on long enough to allow extra reps. A great stone lifter may be able to compensate for a grip-slip by busting out many reps quickly before the grip goes. Having a combination of solid grip gurus and stout stone wrestlers is the optimal combination!
  • Stone Weights (no tacky, no sticky stuff whatsoever):

LWW – 115                                                  200 Men – 200

MWW – 130                                                 231 Men – 220

HWW – 150                                                  HW Men – 240


Hercules Hold Weights (Deep Waters Hercules Hold as seen at America’s Strongest Viking 2018, the Arnold Pro Women’s 2018, and the Norse Highlander 2019):

LWW – 70 per hand                           200 Men – 115

MWW – 80 per hand                          231 Men – 125

HWW – 90 per hand                          HW Men – 135


“No Strongman Left Behind” Press Medley 

Carry your teammates to pressing stations! The heavier stations are worth more points per rep, so choose who goes to which station wisely – new easier rules for failed carries too!

  • (Partner Carry to Press)
  • 60sec time limit. Most points win.
  • On the judge’s signal, a female team member will begin carrying teammates to the pressing area, one at a time.
  • Each time a teammate is dropped off, that member may begin lifting whatever object they choose for reps. Female member then runs back to carry to the next teammate. No piggy back.
  • Once an athlete has been deposited at a station, they may not attempt any other station.
  • Once all 3 teammates have been carried to the pressing area, the female competitor that performed the carry may then go to a pressing station and begin lifting as well (if indeed her body has not crumbled after carrying her entire team LOL).
  • The carrying distance is 30ft.
  • Any team that successfully completed all 3 partner carries will automatically place higher than any team that did not. Any team completing 2 of the 3 partner carries will place higher than any team that only completed one, etc. etc. etc.
  • If the carrier cannot carry a given teammate, she may simply “tag” that teammate and that teammate may then run over to the pressing station himself/herself. Any male competitor may be assigned to any pressing station EXCEPT station 4 (lighter log). Females may participate in any of the four pressing stations.
  • Weights and points are as follows:
  • 220 Mouser Block – 3 points per rep
  • 225 Axle – 2 points per rep
  • 205 Axle – 1 point per rep
  • Station 4 is the only one that can change – Log: 100 LWW, 120 MWW, and 135 HWW. All 1 point.


“Carry My Luggage”

  • 60sec to move each object as far as possible without dropping.
  • 1 female must participate and only 1 female may participate (if that doesn’t make sense please contact me, I know it’s weird).
  • One athlete will be assigned to each of 4 stations by the Team Captain. The athlete must move the object in his/her lane as far as possible without dropping. Once an athlete drops, their distance is marked.
  • Plan on turns at the 50ft mark, but if we have the space I will make that longer so you theoretically have less turns because I’m so nice and you better not forget it.
  • Total combined distance of all four objects wins!
  • The chain is the only object that does not have to go around a cone at the ends of the course. The athlete simply pulls the chain all the way across the line, then starts pulling back the other direction without ever letting go. There’s no cone to try to go around because that would be a tad impractical with a giant freakin’ chain people.
  • Any male athlete may be assigned to the Farmers, the Block, or the Keg; females are automatically assigned to the chain drag (don’t be sad it’s the coolest implement there).
  • Objects are:
    • Farmers Walk – LW-172 , MW-222 , HW-262
    • Block Carry – LW-220, MW-270, HW-320
    • Chain Drag – Ladies only, TBA
    • Keg – LW-210 , MW-250 , HW-285
  • Athletes will not start touching objects; they will be standing 10ft back from the start line.


 “Hillbilly Wagon Ride”

  • 90sec will be allowed to finish the course with our wagon (it’s like a gigantic wheel barrow)
  • 1 Female must participate
  • 1 athlete will start the event and carry the barrow to the first stop, where he/she will load a 125 pound keg into the designated section, then climb into the barrow and sit on the keg. Once the passenger has their hands on the markers and feet on the floor, a signal will be given for the second athlete to carry/push the giant barrow.
  • Athlete 2 will have a 210 pound keg to load at the next stop zone, and that athlete will also hop in for a ride after loading. Again, the next athlete (athlete 3) may not begin carrying the barrow until the new passenger is in the proper position.
  • Athlete 3 will carry to the next stop zone and load a 250, and, you guessed it, hop in on it like a mother hen sitting on her eggs.
  • Athlete 4 will carry the final 25ft. There will be so much weight in the barrow by this point that we will let athlete 4 off easy; once athlete 4 crosses the finish line, he/she is done, and does NOT have to load anything. He/she can simply go lie down in a corner and beginning wondering why we do this to ourselves


Final Event… TBA!

  • Not a “mystery event” – I will be announcing this, I am just trying to work out details with the festival to do something on the main stage. Can’t promise it, but I’m working on it 😉


General Rules/Usual Mouser Stuff

  • In the event of a tie in the final standings, winner will be determined via countback. If a tie cannot be broken in this fashion, a tie breaker event will be held.
  • Sportsmanship is expected and required. This is the greatest sport in the world, let’s keep it that way.
  • This is a drug free contest. If you are juiced feel free to come cheer on your buddies but please do not bother to sign up.
  • If you have a question, please ask! I would rather take a minute to clarify something than to see someone have a poor showing due to a misunderstanding.


May 23, 2020
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Paul Mouser
View Organizer Website


Palatine Park
Everest Dr
Fairmont, WV 26554 United States
+ Google Map
304 614 5291
View Venue Website